Cal Hinshaw Apps

Freehand v1.03
Cal Hinshaw
Note: Freehand is no longer in development.You should probably pick a different note taking app. The source isup at lets you take your handwritten notes however you seefit. With Freehand you can write and draw as you would with pen andpaper, and then delete, move, and re-size as you would with a wordprocessor. It's been designed to take full advantage of both theactive styluses on the Galaxy Note line and standard capacitivestyluses, and offers pressure sensitive drawing where hardwarepermits.Please don't hesitate to email me about features you want orcomplaints you have, I want to make something people like!Features:- Folder based note storage that lets you organize notes howeveryou want- Infinite scrolling and zooming in notes with no loss ofresolution- Custom pens of any thickness, color, pressure sensitivity, andtransparency you want- Deletion, movement, erasure of strokes- Share notes as PNGs and PDFs- More coming soon!INSTRUCTIONS:Note taking:- One finger/the stylus draws- Two fingers pan and zoom (the pixels below them stay below themwhen they move)- The arrows are undo and redo- The dotted line tool is select. Draw the select region with onefinger and move and size it with two. Select grabs wholestrokes.- The eraser looking thing erases in the same way the pensdraw.- The five buttons in the upper right are the pens. Tap one to useit, tap it again to bring up the pen creator menu, and tap it athird time to close the menu once you have selected your pen.- The metadata menu item lets you change the note's name- The save menu item saves the note.Organization:- Tap on a folder or note to open it- Long press folders and notes to select them- Drag notes wherever you want to put them by touching the selectednotes and moving them or moving your finger on the screen afterselecting a note but before picking the finger up- Cancel a selection or delete the selected notes by pressing ordropping on the buttons at the topFreehand's development is supported by product design andsoftware development consulting. Email me about your project tosee how I can help you.